powHERful, and the story behind it as it pertains to me
I am no stranger to the fact the "powHERful" is already a thing. It is actually a program to empower young women and girls with the resources and tools they need to access college, successfully graduate, and pave the way to fulfilling careers.
I think that is GREAT, but what about us "Hard Knocks" gals? The ones who gained experience from living, disappointment, hard times, and plain old manual old fashioned hard work. Don't come at me! I know brain power and mental power is just as taxing.
Peep this photo of my "out going" from my house in 2020! I used to ship every morning before the kids got up, work full time as a Medical Coder, and home school kids since we weren't back in class yet.
Of course, I had support. Family, friends, and especially my husband... Morally. Not all business people are fortunate enough to have an investor or financier for their business. Some have to bootstrap their entrepreneurial ventures, rely on credit cards or raise capital on their own. Personally, I used my stimulus and bought a Cricut! If you click here, You will actually see the very one that started EVERYTHING for me. It was that Cricut Explore Air 2 kit, a heat press, books by Rachel Hollis (Girl Wash Your Face and Stop Apologizing) and a little bipolar mania that helped get going, but it was my followers who helped me create momentum.
Of course, All of that is great but all business started have to have a why.
I had to think about why I wanted to start a business.... EVERYDAY. What got me excited about this adventure? My Followers! During Covid, Staying in the house was fun for about 3 days.... Then, Depression and anxiety just set in for a lot of people-- Especially women... This is because (IN MY OPINION, take it or leave it) more men had "essential" jobs than women. I also feel like even if you got to keep your job, the demands of motherhood INCREASED as everyone was homeschooled due to the schools closing down, as well as daycares. I wanted my lives to be a way they could shop online, be entertained by my shenanigans, and more! We had a BLAST! Yes, That is a photo of me "playing" the guitar naked on facebook.
I was never afraid to take chances, or make mistakes-- Which lead me to 19 West Main Street! We were doing wonderful!
I moved across the street to 24 West Main Street, and everything seemed to be doing well-- But, I am struggling now-- If I am honest. The bills are higher, the demand is higher, but not so high that I am rolling in the money. I have never really gotten a loan for any of this (If I even can), and I do not intend to! A lot of factors are playing into the fact I feel like I am losing air!
The AWFUL traffic that is taking place right now with a major road down for construction, Amazon is faster and cheaper sometimes, and many other things.
However, I will not give up or lay down easily. Just won't. Not in my nature.
One day last week, I was having a lovely old self pity party--- Until I saw this story about another women owned business in my county-- Please read about her Go Fund me- Yet another small business, and a WOMEN OWNED business at that, shut her doors. This felt like a cold slap to my face. This can and will happen to me if we do not turn this around. Boots are strapped up and I am ready to work my way out while helping another woman in her ventures.
Women’s businesses are among the leading ventures that lack financial support. How About That Boutique and Sammi Faye's are no exception.
I am in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM monetarily able to help anyone or anything right now. But, what I do have is work ethic to operate that heat press and press these "powHERful" shirts for you to buy! You can get yours by click here!!
Every shirt your purchase, I am putting $5 in her go fund me that is only going towards the reopening of her doors! My hopes for this promotion is to help her REOPEN, and for me to STAY open. If I know anything at all about running my own business-- I have to keep taking risks. To me, This pride swallowing transparency is so risky.
Once I see myself through this, you can MARK MY WORDS- This will become something for the girls like me. Thank you so much for taking a few minutes to read this.
If you didn't know, My name is Emily Ollangg, and I own How About That Boutique by Mrs. Ollangg located in central Ohio! My shop showcases lots of artisans in my area and if you are ever close, PLEASE stop in! I started blogging a form of therapy as I find solitude in showing you some cool, new, or at a great deal! I am an Amazon Affiliate and I can earn commissions on qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you!
This is a photo of my husband and I! We have 4 beautiful children, and 3 cats! When I am not working- I enjoy every moment I can with my family and friends, but I also LOVE couponing, online shopping, designing graphics and more.
I hope that you will find something useful, funny, or, heck-- Just something to read or watch on the toilet with all my platforms you can find RIGHT HERE!